


The samples filter a User document by its Id and removes it from the collection.

Mongo delete document with _id

2022年9月10日 — Hello,. I'm trying to delete a document of a collection with its ObjectId ( _id) but I don't know exactly what I'm doing wrong:.

Delete documents by _id? fastest way?

2021年3月20日 — Hi there,. I have a MongoDB collection that has around 92 MM of documents, I need to delete around 24 MM of those documents.

MongoDb delete documents by passing user id

2020年1月27日 — I am new to node and mongo db. I have a list of users with delete link in each row.I am trying to delete a user with its _id. However its not ...

Remove by _id in MongoDB console

2011年2月8日 — In the MongoDB console how can I remove a record by id? ... How do I remove a document with node-mongodb ... How to delete items by _id using ...

Delete Documents — MongoDB Manual

You can delete documents in MongoDB using the following methods: Your programming language's driver. The MongoDB Atlas UI. To learn more, see Delete a ...

Delete Documents — MongoDB Shell

The MongoDB shell provides the following methods to delete documents from a collection: To delete multiple documents, use db.collection.deleteMany() .


document. Specifies deletion criteria using query operators. Specify an empty document } to delete the first document returned in the collection.

db.collection.remove() — MongoDB Manual

To delete a single document sorted by a specified order, use the findAndModify() method. When removing multiple documents, the remove operation may interleave ...

How to delete document by _id using MongoDB?

2020年5月13日 — To delete by _id, use remove() in MongoDB. Following is the syntax − db.yourCollectionName.remove(_id:yourObjectId});.